All our orgone generator products are based on Wilhelm Reich’s orgone theory. Orgone is also known as life energy, ch’i or prana. Unlike Reich’s first devices which accumulated surrounding orgone, be it positive or negative, these generate a pure energy. They transmute negative energies into positive ones, hence their name “orgone generators”. They are based on Don Croft’s work who was inspired by Karl Wel who “borrowed” the basic principles from Franz Bardon’s work in turn got his knowledge from ancient alchemists.

Nowadays, major sources of negative orgone are cellphone towers, cellphones, computers, WIFI networks, smart meters, micro-waves, television receivers, electrical structures and installations, etc. Diseases, pollution and some people are also negative sources of orgone energy. All our devices are not only positive orgone sources, they also activate around negative source to purify the negative orgone automatically.

By placing orgone generators in strategic locations throughout your home you’ll contribute to re-establish a positive energy balance, heal yourself and create better living conditions for all to enjoy. You will find a product adapted to each room.

The technology behind this everlasting source of positive orgone energy is called orgonite. It is a resin and metal matrix containing one or more crystal(s) and other energy catalysts. The clear quartz grade AAA is always in the center of each product because we need its peculiarity of piezoelectricity.

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